Announcement : 

Whanau Talanoa 18th of February from 6.00 PM – 7.00 PM: All Whanau encouraged to come

COVID Update Letter

17 August 2020

 Kia ora koutou
You will now be adjusting to a further period of Alert Level 3 and working through the impacts this will have for your family and whānau. It is pleasing to see how New Zealanders are responding to this latest outbreak by getting tested if unwell, and staying home.
Requirements at Alert Level 3

While most of us are familiar with requirements at Alert Level 3, we will continue to emphasise the importance of:

  • Good hand hygiene and cough and sneeze etiquette
  • Staying away if sick
  • Keeping an appropriate physical distance from others
  • Cleaning and disinfecting our high touch surfaces daily
  • Staying in our bubbles whether at home or in school
  • Displaying QR code posters at our entrances and encouraging all of our community to download the NZ COVID Tracer App and use it if they come on-site
  • Keeping a visitor register for anyone who cannot use the app and for other essential visitors

We know all these things will help to keep our community as safe as possible. Because of these measures being in place, your child does not need to wear a face covering while at school.

Distance Learning Support


We will be redistributing the Ministry of Education supplied devices back to the students that returned them over the last couple of weeks as requested.


Therefore, if your child was supplied a MoE device during COVID-19 Lockdown -Round 1 you will be able to come and collect this from the school at the beginning of this week. 


Collection dates and times for devices from Otahuhu Intermediate are:

Monday 17 August 2020                        12.00pm – 3.00pm

Tuesday 18 August 2020                       9.00am – 12.00pm

Wednesday 19 August 2020                  9.00am – 12.00pm


When you enter the school, please do not get out of your vehicle.  A staff member will come to your vehicle and give you your child’s device and get you to sign for it.


NOTE:  If your child did not receive a MoE device during COVID-19 Lockdown -Round 1 and you would like a device for your child during COVID-19 Lockdown -Round 2, please contact Jackie Talagi ( or (09)2766421.


We will do our best to ensure that all OIS students that require a device have access to one.


Hard Packs

We are encouraging all our OIS students to be working online, as this work is provided by their classroom teacher and is targeted at their current learning and needs.


However, we are working with the Ministry of Education to see if we can get hard packs available for our students also.  When the hard pack is available, we will notify our community via our school website and then organise collection times from school. 

Attendance at Alert Level 3

Who can go to school
Only essential workers children can attend school.

Any child who can’t be supervised at home by an appropriate person, needs to be able to attend school.
Who should not go to school
Any child who can be supervised at home by an appropriate person.
If a child is sick, they should stay home (phone Healthline or their GP and get tested if a doctor or health professional recommends to do so).
Anyone who is self-isolating or in quarantine, or who has been advised by health authorities to remain at home while they wait for their COVID-19 test results must stay away from school.


Please keep connected with us, as you have been doing. We look forward to seeing everyone in person very soon.

Ngā mihi



Brent Woods


Newsletter – Round 2 Number 1.pdf