Last Wednesday we had our annual Haka Waiata. It was awesome to see so many whΔnau come and support their tamariki. A very proud and passionate group of students from each syndicate showcasing the unique nuances that make each syndicate special. Thank you to Matua Patrick and Mrs Ernstzen for judging!
The winners of each taonga are as follows:
Te Tangata: Mana Whenua and people of the land we belong too. He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata, he tangata. What is the most important thing? It is people, it is people. The syndicate that received this was RIMU 

Korowai: This is worn as an honour and prestige, symbolising leadership and the obligation to care for the for our environment and people. The land comes first before the people! Unison, working together to keep everything balanced. The syndicate that received this was KAURI 

Te Herenga Moana: This name was given to the whanau of the very first bilingual class in Te Huarahi o nga waka te whare. Te Herenga Moana means the gathering of many across the ocean. It represents Leadership within our Kura. The syndicate that received this was KOWHAI 

Let’s do it all again next year!