Newsletter Term One Week Five 2025.pdf
Upcoming Event
Final reports
Kia ora whanau, School reports are going home today and will be given to the students this afternoon.
Important events for the final week
Dear Parents and Guardians, Reminder of events and timings this final week of the school year. – Tuesday 13th December: Prizegiving starting at 11am. School has an early finish at 2pm. – Thursday 15th December: End of year trips Y7s return from Parakai Springs at 4:30pm Y8s return from Rainbow’s End at 5:00pm Please note, this is the last day for … Read moreImportant events for the final week
Sports Camp Notice
Links: Participation Agreement Link Special Dietary Requirements Link Photography Permission Link
Reminder – Board Nominations
If you are interested in being on the Otahuhu Intermediate School board, please make sure you have completed and submitted your nomination forms before Wednesday 3 August 2022. If you would like to get more information or discuss this further, please contact Brent Woods (Principal).
Reminder – early finish Tuesday and Wednesday!
Just a friendly reminder that school will be closing at 1:00 PM on Tuesday and Wednesday due to our first written report student led conferences. Student led conference details: Tuesday 2 August 2022 between 2:00pm – 7:30pm Wednesday 3 August 2022 between 2:00pm – 6:00pm All teachers are looking forward to discussing your child’s learning progress … Read moreReminder – early finish Tuesday and Wednesday!
Camp notice
Kia ora, Just a notice for parents with a child at MERC camp. Everyone will be picked up by the bus at 4pm. Depending on traffic we should be back at school by 5:00-5:15pm.
Welcome back for Term 3!
Kia ora and welcome back for another school term! Just some friendly reminders: July 25 – Start of Term 3, please send a message through the website or ring the school to inform us if your child will be away! July 27-29 – Sir Peter Blake MERC Camp, hopefully all lists have been checked and … Read moreWelcome back for Term 3!